During the health crisis, U2nc ensures nephrology teleconsultations and emergency consultations.
For more information, write to: secretaire@u2nc.nc, nephrologue@u2nc.nc and call:
U2nc is a private limited company incorporated in 1988, under the leadership, among others, of Dr. J. Freund. First called Unh (nephrology and hemodialysis Unit), it became U2nc (Nephrology Unit of New Caledonia) in January 2018.
U2nc has practiced hemodialysis in Nouméa, in Clinique de la Baie des Citrons and in a unit based in rue Jules Ferry in the city center. In 1991, our firm opened a proximity hemodialysis unit in the bush in Bourail then in 2006 in La Foa.
In 2014, the company changed its management. Its new leaders have modernized its equipment and increased its dialysis capacity. To this end, in 2018, U2nc transferred its Noumea units to the Médisud medical centre, Anse-Vata (August 2018) and to the Kuindo-Magnin clinic in Nouville (October 2018).
U2nc has developed, in collaboration with Atir, a computerized nephrology medical record (DMN) for all patients with renal disease in New Caledonia. The DMN is a key source of information; medical and nursing teams share this information to offer the best quality of care to patients.
Types of activities
Dedicated professionals
Dialysis sites
Years of experience
The kidneys are organs of the human body as essential to our life as the heart and lungs because they have multiple functions.
U2nc is a private limited company whose corporate purpose is the management of renal failure. The company employs a hundred professionals dedicated to the treatments of impaired renal functions, whose concern is to improve the patient’s quality of life.
In Nouville (Nouméa), U2nc operates a dialysis center.
Kuindo-Magnin clinic
Dialysis center
5 rue du Contre-amiral Joseph du Bouzet
Nouville – Nouméa
At Anse-Vata (Nouméa), U2nc operates a proximity hemodialysis unit and a unit under medical supervision.
Proximity hemodialysis unit
3 rue du Tabou
In Koné, U2nc operates a unit under medical supervision.
Northern hospital
Paiamboué, Avenue Jimmy Welepane